Chemex Coffee Filters - 100 Chemex Bonded Unfolded 13" Filter Paper Half-Moon Circles FP-2
Product Description
* The FP-2 Chemex Filter Paper is designed for specific use with ONLY the Chemex CM-1 & CM-1C (pint size models) 1-3 Cup Coffee Makers and will not work with any other of the Chemex Coffee Makers.If you are looking for filters for any and all other sizes of Chemex coffee brewers, the other 4 Chemex paper filter styles (FP-1, FC-100, FSU-100 or FS-100) will work. Chemex filters remove eventhe finest sediment particles as well as the undesirable oils andfats. The formulation of the filter permits the proper infusion timeby regulating the filtration rate - not to slow, not too fast. Good infusion of the coffee grounds (as in brewing and steeping tea) givescoffee a richer flavor while at the same time making possible precisefractional extraction: filtering out the undesirable components which makecoffee bitter by allowing only the desirable flavor elements of the coffeebean to pass through.The Chemexfilter is folded into a cone shape, exactly as in laboratorytechniques. This assures uniform extraction since the water filtersthrough all the grounds on its way to the apex of the cone. TheChemex filter is guaranteed not to burst under the weight of the liquidduring filtration, and not to break when lifting out the grounds.Fully-bodied,richer flavor, from less coffee, and as strong as you like withoutbitterness - that's what the Chemex filter gives you.

*Package contains 100-count
*Use only with the Chemex CM-1 & CM-1C
*Fully-bodied, richer flavor, from less coffee
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Special Offer: check this out!
*Package contains 100-count
*Use only with the Chemex CM-1 & CM-1C
*Fully-bodied, richer flavor, from less coffee
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Special Offer: check this out!
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Product Description
* The FP-2 Chemex Filter Paper is designed for specific use with ONLY the Chemex CM-1 & CM-1C (pint size models) 1-3 Cup Coffee Makers and will not work with any other of the Chemex Coffee Makers.If you are looking for filters for any and all other sizes of Chemex coffee brewers, the other 4 Chemex paper filter styles (FP-1, FC-100, FSU-100 or FS-100) will work. Chemex filters remove eventhe finest sediment particles as well as the undesirable oils andfats. The formulation of the filter permits the proper infusion timeby regulating the filtration rate - not to slow, not too fast. Good infusion of the coffee grounds (as in brewing and steeping tea) givescoffee a richer flavor while at the same time making possible precisefractional extraction: filtering out the undesirable components which makecoffee bitter by allowing only the desirable flavor elements of the coffeebean to pass through.The Chemexfilter is folded into a cone shape, exactly as in laboratorytechniques. This assures uniform extraction since the water filtersthrough all the grounds on its way to the apex of the cone. TheChemex filter is guaranteed not to burst under the weight of the liquidduring filtration, and not to break when lifting out the grounds.Fully-bodied,richer flavor, from less coffee, and as strong as you like withoutbitterness - that's what the Chemex filter gives you.
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